Category: The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo Part – 8
-012_Are not Dogs more Faithful than Men
-012_Are not Dogs more Faithful than Men.htm ARE NOT DOGS MORE FAITHFUL THAN MEN? Yes, for it is their nature to be faithful and they…
-013_The Work Here
-013_The Work Here.htm THE WORK HERE From the worldly standpoint, from the point of view of result achieved, certainly things can be done better. But…
-014_Thought the Creator
-014_Thought the Creator.htm II THOUGHT AND THOUGHT-POWER THOUGHT THE CREATOR Human thought always creates forms in the mental world. It is a creative force. You…
-015_Thought and Imagination
-015_Thought and Imagination.htm THOUGHT AND IMAGINATION When you think of a person or a thing you are immediately there and come into contact with the…
-016_Poetry and Poetic Inspiration
-016_Poetry and Poetic Inspiration.htm POETRY AND POETIC INSPIRATION I have said: "Poetry is sensuality of the mind". How is it so? It is because poetry…
-017_Divine Living
-017_Divine Living.htm DIVINE LIVING We always give the name "Divine" to all that we are not and want to become, all that seems infinitely higher…
-018_Perfection and Progress
-018_Perfection and Progress.htm PERFECTION AND PROGRESS Perfection is a relative term. A thing may be perfect in relation to the present or the past; it…
-019_Psychological Perfection
-019_Psychological Perfection.htm PSYCHOLOGICAL PERFECTION There is a flower to which we have given this name. It is the familiar Champa. The flower has five petals….
-020_The Origin of Desire
-020_The Origin of Desire.htm THE ORIGIN OF DESIRE From where does desire come? Buddha said that it came from Ignorance. It is almost that. Desire…
-021_Asceticism.htm III SADHANA ASCETICISM You have seen Sannyasins lying upon nails. Why do they do that? Perhaps to prove their saintliness. But when they do…