Index-02_Hymn to All Gods

-01_Hymn to Indra



Hymn to Indra


    Mandala I: Sukta 84




O INDRA, the delightful wine (Soma) has been pressed out for thee, most powerful art thou and the smiter of foes. May this Indra-Power fill thee even as the sun fills the firmament with its rays. 



The twin bright carriers bring near unto us lndra of indomi­table might and also the Hymns of the seers and the sacrifices of men.




  Take thy seat in the chariot, O slayer of Vritra the Coverer, the twin bright steeds have been yoked by the Supreme Word; may the stones, pressing out the wine of Delight by their perfect utterances, turn thy happy mind downward here.




O lndra, drink of this pressed Soma, the ecstasy supreme and immortal. Towards thee flow the streams of pure light in the Home of Truth. 





For Indra now raise the luminous chant, utter the expres­sive Word; the flowing streams delight the Supreme; bow down to this great Power.




O Indra, thou yokest the twin bright ones; none other charioteer is swifter than thee. None other is near unto thee in strength, none other can find a mightier rider than thee. 



He alone is the one who can bring wealth to the mortal donor. Indeed Indra is the unrivalled Supreme Master.




When will he with his footfall make the joyless mortal bloom like a mushroom? When indeed will Indra listen to our words?




Out of the many, whoever releases springs of delight and dwells in Indra, to him indeed Indra sends forth a mighty force.




Thus the white kine drink of the sweet wine that has been. pressed out, they in the company of the Male Indra rejoice, they dwell gloriously as in their own domain. 



Desiring his touch, the dappled cows distill the Soma drink.



The herd of cows dear to Indra hurl arrows of thunder; they full of riches, move as to their own domain.




They, the enlightened ones, by their obeisance, serve his might. They adhere to his many deeds for acquiring fore­knowledge: full of riches they move as to their own domain. 



Indra, the inviolable, with the help of the bones of Dadhichi (strong formations of settled intelligence) slew the ninety-nine Vritras, the Coverers.




He sought the head of the Horse that lay sheltered in the hills and found it in the lake growing reeds (honeyed delight).




Indeed here he recognised the bright Name of the Fashioner thus hidden away in the home of the Moon.




Who yokes today the radiant herds of Truth? They are the workers blazing, violent and wrathful, their mouths hurling arrows, herds flaming, creators of bliss. He alone lives who serves (fosters) their growth.




Who impels? Who hastens? Who is there to be afraid of? And who is it that knows? Who has Indra beside him? 



Who is for our sons and who for our followers? Who is for our welfare? And who shall speak for our progeny and who for our people?




Who worships Agni with offering and libation and obla­tion? Who sacrifices through the fixed sessions? To whom the gods carry forthwith the call? Who is it that knows the one who has received the call and attained godhead? 



You are indeed a most potent god; you find the perfect self-expression for the mortal. O holder of riches, O Indra, none other than thee can bring the ecstasy. To you I utter these words. 



Never thy riches, never thy safeties (safeguarding) O Master of riches, do thou withhold from us. O human (as a human) do thou measure out and bring to us, who have the sight (seeing men) all your riches.



1 – 6 Anushtubh        7 – 9 Ushniha                  10 – 12 Pankti         

 13 – 15 Gayatri I      16 – 18 Trishtubh            19 – 20 Brihati.

