-03_Hymn to DawnIndex-05_Hymn to the Mental Being

-04_Hymn of Aspiration

Hymn of Aspiration

Hymn of Aspiration 



Mandala X: Sukta 57




LET us not turn away from the Path nor from the Sacrifice, O Indra, nor from those who pressed the wine of Immorta­lity. Let not our enemies stand in between.




That weft which fulfils the Sacrifice extends towards the Gods. That we call, to That we move.




The Mind we now call by the Soma (immortal) drink that voices the Godhead, and by the thought-powers of the Fathers.




May the Mind come back to you again for the right Will, for the right Knowledge, for the right living and for the uninterrupted vision of the Sun.



May the Fathers give back to us again, may the Divine



People do the same; may we cling to the Life with its com­plex (of divine work).


NOTES: Vratah = sangha (Sayana), group multitude.




May we, O Immortal Delight, install the Mind in our bodily formation; may we, enriched in our progeny, cling to your Divine Work.

