Some Dates HAVE you noted today's date? My attention has been drawn to it. It is very remarkable: 7.7.77. Four sevens together. Has it any special significance? Yes, Mother herself once gave the meaning of these four sevens – "Manifestation and Realisation". Manifestation means the appearance of the truth, the truth that is hidden behind somewhere, when it comes forward and shows itself, that is manifestation. Realisation means we express this truth that has come forward in our consciousness, make it real on the physical plane, embody it in our external activity: in other words whatever you do you do the truth, whatever you speak you speak the truth; the Truth first appears in your mind, in your mental consciousness, then it realises itself in your physical activity. Number seven has a special meaning. The number seven gives the scheme of creation; it is the number of the worlds that constitute creation. The creation is a globe, there are three worlds above, that is the higher hemisphere and three other below forming the lower hemisphere. The higher worlds are as you all know Sat-Chit-Ananda, – the Divine Existence, the Divine Consciousness and the Divine Delight. Below in the lower half there is the mind, the vital and the body, – manas, prana and anna. Three above, three below, in between there is another joining the two, another principle or world, it is the Supermind, Mahas. The three higher worlds are invisible, beyond the normal consciousness; they become visible mind concrete when they pass through the
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intermediary Supermind and become the principles of the lower hemisphere. Now these are the seven principles of creation. Manifestation means the expression of the higher worlds, the supreme triple principles of Sat-Chit-Ananda in the lower triple principle of mind, life, body through the intermediary Supermind. Mahas-Supermind is the manifestation, the beginning of the creation and realisatton comes when the higher trinity is realised here below and embodied in the lower trinity. That is the significance of 7. There are four sevens. Four is the number signifying a square, fullness, completeness. Sri
Aurobindo gave me this mantra of creation and explained it to me, as I have
done to you today, on the very day perhaps of my arrival here in 8.8.77 I find today's date also is very remarkable: 8.8.77. You have any idea? First observe how the figures are nicely balanced, symmetrically arranged – 8.8.77. 8 equals 4+4. Two eights equal 4+4+4+4, four fours; and seven means 4+3. So how many fours are there in all? Six. There are then six fours and two threes. I said last time, four represents completeness, also creation; square means a complete creation, a complete completeness. Three, Mother said, represents the three fundamental principles of creation, – Sacchidananda. That is to say, first existence, you exist, you are; next, you are aware, that is to say, you are conscious, and finally, delight – you exist, you are conscious of your existence and you delight in your existence. These three fundamental principles of existence that are now behind the creation are here presented to you in this figure of a riddle as a token, I suggest, as a symbol: the preparation of their taking a form upon earth embodying in material existence.
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