A Note On
"The Mother Of Dreams" WHO is the Mother of Dreams? And what is a Dream, after all? Where is the world of dreams? Dreams simply mean possibilities, whatever has not happened physically, materially upon earth till now, but can happen one day. This when translated in the human mind is termed imagination. The Rishis spoke of three worlds, three states of being and consciousness. The waking state, the dream state and the sleep state. The waking state means the physical consciousness, the material reality, earth. The dream state means the inner consciousness, the world of subtler formations. It is called the mid-world. Further beyond is the sleep-world, where all outer formations and movements are stilled into their fundamental essences. These are the three stages of the manifestation or evolution of a transcendent Fourth beyond (Turiya). The Transcendent first throws itself out into essential types, original norms of creation, the generic pattern. It is concentrated being and consciousness (Prajna). It is the matrix of creation out of which sprout forth seedlings of an infinite variety. The seeds burst forth and scatter themselves in multiple forms and in multiple directions, pursuing all lines and possibilities of growth and fruition; it is called Hiranyagarbha, the golden embryo. Last comes the actuality; the physical reality into which all the possibilities * Sri Aurobindo,
Collected Poems (Cent. Ed., Vol. 5), p. 67.
Page – 42 embody themselves one by one, become earthly facts and figures. It has been named Virat, the Vast, the Concrete. The Mother of Dreams then is the divine
intermediary, the supreme creative Force, the' Mother of Energy. The mighty
dynamo fabricating and throwing out endless streams of possible and impossible
things. Worlds and gods and men and creatures are all her children – built with
her flesh and blood, inspired by her breath, moved by her gesture. But she is
the Mother not only of the Shining Ones, but also of the Dark Ones. Calamity
and prosperity, rise and fall are cadences in her enchanting symphony. She
holds them all in her bosom and carries them forward through a variegated play,
a chequered progressive evolution towards their highest and supreme Destiny
upon this earth.
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