Category: Seer Poets
-001_A Vedic Story
-001_A Vedic Story.htm A VEDIC STORY (RlGVEDA – X. 51.) The gods are in a great fix. Where is Agni? How is it that the…
-002_Rishi Dirghatama
-002_Rishi Dirghatma.htm RISHI DIRGHATAMA Many of the Upanishadic rishis are familiar to you. Vedic rishis are perhaps not so. Today I will speak of one…
-003_The Shakespearean Word
-003_The Shakespearean Word.htm THE SHAKESPEAREAN WORD The Vedic rishi, says the poet, by his poetic power, brings out forms, beautiful forms in the high heaven….
-004_Two Sonnets of Shakespeare
-004_Two Sonnets of Shakespeare.htm TWO SONNETS OF SHAKESPEARE On the occasion of the 400th birth anniversary of Shakespeare, I present to you today two of…
-005_Robert Graves
-005_Robert Graves.htm ROBERT GRAVES Robert Graves is not a major poet, and certainly not a great poet. He is a minor poet. But in spite…
-006_Boris Pasternak
-006_Boris Pasternak.htm BORIS PASTERNAK The portrait of the late poet (for he is more of a poet than a novelist, as has been pointed out)…
-007_George Seferis
-007_George Seferis.htm GEORGE SEFERIS Poet and essayist in modem Greek. Translated poems of the English poet, George Eliot, into modern Greek; was in diplomatic service,…
-008_Jules Supervielle
-008_Jules Supervielle.htm JULES SUPERVIELLE Jules Supervielle is a French poet and a modem French poet. He belongs to this century and died only a few…
-009_Two Mystic Poems in Modern French
-009_Two Mystic Poems in Modern French.htm TWO MYSTIC POEMS IN MODERN FRENCH Here is the first poem, I give only the text, followed by an…
-010_Two Mystic Poems in Modern Bengali
-010_Two Mystic Poems in Modern Bengali.htm TWO MYSTIC POEMS IN MODERN BENGALI Here is the first one as I translate it: Baritone1 Let us all…