Category: The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo Part – 10

-001_Author Notes

-001_Author Notes.htm THE AUTHOR This Part of Nolini Kanta Gupta’s The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo series consisting of his most recent (1968) talks given to…

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-002_Cycles of Creation

-002_Cycles of Creation.htm Series One Section One I CYCLES OF CREATION The present cycle of creation has for its goal the advent of the Supermind,…

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-003_Beyond Vedanta

-003_Beyond Vedanta.htm II BEYOND VEDANTA The first step in the spiritual life is the Vedantic experience that the world is an illusion, an absolute illusion….

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-004_Life in and through Death

-004_Life in and through Death.htm III LIFE IN AND THROUGH DEATH The soul carries the body even like a corpse, says a scripture. It is…

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-005_Transfiguration.htm IV TRANSFIGURATION The Divine attributes—such as Peace and Joy, Consciousness and Power, Freedom, etc.—each and all of them are self-existent realities, existing by themselves…

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-006_Mind and the Mental World

-006_Mind and the Mental World.htm V MIND AND THE MENTAL WORLD The world of the mind is a vast field, even vaster it seems than…

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-007_Beyond the Dualities

-007_Beyond the Dualities.htm VI BEYOND THE DUALITIES It is true that mind in its natural state seeks the truth, seeks to know the fact, know…

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-008_The World is One

-008_The World is One.htm VII THE WORLD IS ONE The world is one, in fact and in potentia. There is already a realised unity; that…

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-009_Consciousness as Freedom

-009_Consciousness as Freedom.htm Section Two VIII CONSCIOUSNESS AS FREEDOM Consciousness is liberty, unconsciousness is slavery. When you are unconscious you are a prey to all…

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-010_Education as the Growth of Consciousness

-010_Education as the Growth of Consciousness.htm IX EDUCATION AS THE GROWTH OF CONSCIOUSNESS All knowledge is within you. Information you get from outside, but the…

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