Category: The Yoga of Sri Aurobindo Part – 3
-001_Publisher’s Note
-001_Publisher^s Note.htm PUBLISHERS’ NOTE The essay entitiled "The Body Human" was first published in the Sri Aurobindo Mandir Annual, Calcutta (1945). The other essays appeared…
-002_The New Year Initiation
-002_The New Year Initiation.htm THE NEW YEAR INITIATION "O Lord, the world implores Thee to prevent it from falling back always into the same stupidities….
-003_Yogic Initiation Amd Aptitude
-003_Yogic Initiation Amd Aptitude.htm YOGIC INITIATION AND APTITUDE In the practice of Yoga a condition precedent is usually laid down: it is called adhikara, aptitude,…
-004_Arjuna or The Ideal Disciple
-004_Arjuna orThe Ideal Disciple.htm ARJUNA OR THE IDEAL DISCIPLE What makes a true disciple? For it is not everyone that can claim or be worthy…
-005_The Body Human
-005_The Body Human.htm THE BODY HUMAN The human frame is a miracle of creation. It would not be far wrong to say that the whole…
-006_Some Conceptions and Misconceptions
-006_Some Conceptions and Misconceptions.htm SOME CONCEPTIONS AND MISCONCEPTIONS (1) A question is asked, where, in what stage or level of Involution does the principle of…
-007_Here or Otherwhere
-007_Here or Otherwhere.htm NOTES AND COMMENTS I HERE OR OTHERWHERE A question is often asked of us whether it is possible to do Yoga while…
-008_The Sunlit Path
-008_The Sunlit Path.htm II THE SUNLIT PATH Sri Aurobindo speaks of the sunlit path in Yoga. It is the path of happy progress where dangers…
-009_The Spiritual Outlook
-009_The Spiritual Outlook.htm III THE SPIRITUAL OUTLOOK The spiritual outlook is a global view, unlike the mental which is very often the view from a…
-010_Sectarianism or Loyalty
-010_Sectarianism or Loyalty.htm IV SECTARIANISM OR LOYALTY Modern culture demands that one should not be bound to one creed or dogma, swear by one principle…