Category: Towards A New Society
-001_Author’s Note
-001_Author^s Note.htm AUTHORS NOTE All the essays included in this volume were written during the war years (1940-1945). Some of them dealt with situations directly…
-002_The World War
-002_The World War.htm PART I THE WORLD WAR THE WORLD WAR ITS INNER BEARINGS This is a war to which even spiritual seekers can hardly…
-003_The Message Of the Atomic Bomb
-003_The Message Of the Atomic Bomb.htm THE MESSAGE OF THE ATOMIC BOMB The moralist—the Christian moralist particularly—has dubbed the atomic bomb as the Devil’s engine;…
-004_National And International
-004_National And International.htm NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL A leading Nationalist has opined that he does not understand the " slogan " of viewing the nation against…
-005_The Right Of Absolute Freedom
-005_The Right Of Absolute Freedom.htm THE RIGHT OF ABSOLUTE FREEDOM A nation cannot claim the right, even in the name of freedom, to do as…
-006_Federated Humanity
-006_Federated Humanity.htm FEDERATED HUMANITY The last great war, out of its bloody welter, threw up a mantra for the human consciousness to contemplate and seize…
-007_Vansittartism.htm VANSITTARTISM Germany is considered now, and naturally with great reason, as the arch criminal among nations. Such megalomania, such lust for wanton cruelty, such…
-008_India One And Indivisible
-008_India One And Indivisible.htm PART II THE ROLE OF INDIA INDIA ONE AND INDIVISIBLE India is one and indivisible, culturally and spiritually; politically too she…
-009_The Basic Unity
-009_The Basic Unity.htm THE BASIC UNITY There is one unity which cannot be denied to India, because Nature has given it and man cannot withdraw…
-010_The Way To Unity
-010_The Way To Unity.htm THE WAY TO UNITY Common love, common labour and, above all, as the great French thinker, Ernest Renan,* pointed out, common…