Category: Towards A New Society
-011_Independence And Its Sanction
-011_Independence And Its Sanction.htm INDEPENDENCE AND ITS SANCTION Independence is not a gift which one can receive from another, it is a prize that has…
-012_New World Conditions
-012_New World Condiions.htm NEW WORLD-CONDITIONS It is a trite saying that one must change with the changing times. But how many can really do so…
-013_The Basis of Unity
-013_The Basis of Unity.htm THE BASIS OF UNITY I A modern society or people cannot have religion, that is to say, credal religion, as the…
-014_The Ideals Of Human Unity
-014_The Ideals Of Human Unity.htm PART II TOWARDS A NEW SOCIETY THE IDEALS OF HUMAN UNITY The unification of humanity is also a thing decreed….
-015_On Social Reconstruction
-015_On Social Recnstruction.htm ON SOCIAL RECONSTRUCTION I It is one of the great errors of the human mind to take equality as identical with uniformity….
-016_Panacea Of ‘ISMS’
-016_Panacea Of ^^ISMS^^.htm PANACEA OF "ISMS" COMMUNISM Communism cannot save humanity. For if it means the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, well, a healthy normal society…
-017_Three Degrees of Social Organization
-017_Three Degrees of Social Organization.htm THREE DEGREES OF SOCIAL ORGANIZATION Declaration of Rights is a characteristic modem phenomenon. It is a message of liberty and…
-018_Appendix.htm APPENDIX SRI AUROBINDO’S VIEWS ON THE SECOND WORLD WAR* You have said that you have begun to doubt whether it was the Mother’s War…
Part One Towards A New Society Precontent Author’s Note Part One THE WORLD WAR The World War the message of the atomic bomb…
-000_Pre_Content.htm Published by Sri Aurobindo Circle Bombay First Edition, 1946 All Rights Reserved Imprimerie de Sri Aurobindo Ashra Pondichéry